We looked at the super lengthy list of games dropping as Essen Spiel and revisited some old episode topics.
We might do more episodes like this where we drop the themed episodes. Is that cool with you guys? We'll
probably do it anyway but I'd at least like to hear some feedback.
We didn't have a theme to tie this episode together but we played a bunch of random games, so let's talk about that! We really got carried away with talking about some of these, and there is, as always, a cat meowing loudly during random parts of the episode. Oops!
Sometimes expansions help breathe new life into games, other times they make a game actually playable. Other times they just add some cool new bling to the game!
This episode we're talking about the cool stuff we bought at Gencon, or wanted to buy but couldn't because it was sold out already. And, as always, a 15 minute discussion on cereal.
Humans have been travelling since before Elon Musk brought electric cars to outer space. Trains, planes, automobiles, zeppelins, uh... horses? We're gonna talk about them all in this episode!
I really wanted to do more games that only have you farming points or cubes or whatever but I thought that was too meta and not at all what we were even going for with this one!
Are apps the future or a passing fad? Who can say, but we have some favorites. What better way to spend the holiday than with your eyes glued to a screen playing one?
We're back from Origins and ready to talk about the cool games that we played, and none of the games that we didn't play. We also talk about the Origins awards.
Chicken coop games! How many games could there possibly be about chicken coops? Wait, hang on, I'm getting an update here - turns out we're talking about co-op games! Cooperative games are great fun, but why are so many of them so difficult?