Hardcore 10×10

A hardcore 10×10 means I can’t change my mind and swap out games.  These better be games I love!  This will track my plays.  For the full write-up on the hardcore 10×10, see the article here.  I also have a timestamped Geeklist here.

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Complete!
Alien Frontiers
Cosmic Encounter
Legends of Andor
Formula D
Flash Point: Fire Rescue
Police Precinct
Camel Up
Sheriff of Nottingham
The play # column contains a date with a link to the logged play on bgg.

Standard 10×10

This one will be easier.  Games I would like to try to hit 10 times, but don’t have to.  I can swap games in and out as I please, but the games cannot also appear on the hardcore 10×10.  This list will change as 2017 goes on.

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Complete!
Pandemic: The Cure
Mice & Mystics
Grand Austria Hotel
TMNT: Shadows of the Past
Secret Hitler
Pitch Car
Small World
The play # column contains a date with a link to the logged play on bgg.

Backup games for standard 10×10

One of the nice things about the standard list is you can swap in and out.  Here’s backups/games swapped.

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Complete!
Krosmaster Arena
Lords of Waterdeep
Blood Bowl
Farspace Foundry
Cash n Guns
The play # column contains a date with a link to the logged play on bgg.

Filler Game 10×10

This one is kind of a joke.  Basically all of these games can be played 10 times in a single night, if that were so desired.

Game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Complete!
Loopin’ Louie
Chopstick Mega Challenge 3000
Love Letter
Sushi Go
Dr. Eureka
Animal Upon Animal
The play # column contains a date with a link to the logged play on bgg.

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