Jondi went out west on the Oregon Trail so we're talking about games that you can play when you only have your phone, just like the settlers did in the 1800s! Are app versions of board games the future, or just a weird gimmick? Probably a little of both.
Sometimes expansions help breathe new life into games, other times they make a game actually playable. Other times they just add some cool new bling to the game!
Are apps the future or a passing fad? Who can say, but we have some favorites. What better way to spend the holiday than with your eyes glued to a screen playing one?
Chicken coop games! How many games could there possibly be about chicken coops? Wait, hang on, I'm getting an update here - turns out we're talking about co-op games! Cooperative games are great fun, but why are so many of them so difficult?
Today we're talking about playing games with people who have jobs fixing cars. Oh, wait, that's wrong. Sometimes games can be really good but have a mechanic that otherwise we would hate. That, I think, makes the game even more special. We also totally didn't post any video content from Geekway.
One of my favorite phrases is "you never play a game correctly the first time." But 20 times? We have a recipe, we talk Kickstarters, and the Golden Geek Awards. We also issue some corrections, for the first of many, many, many, many times!
An introduction to who we are and what we're doing here. We talk about 10x10s, Ninja Turtles, poisoning horses, Star Trek/Gate, and mostly just blab about nonsense. But hey, Jared fights a sinus infection in this episode! Please don't sue us, Disney.