Speaker: Jondi

Eat Chit & Dice – Episode 26 – Out with the Old, In with the New – 10x10s

New year, new 10x10.  We're running through our 2017 and 2018 10x10s.  Check out or 2018 games at our website, http://eatchitanddice.com/2018-10x10/ Follow along on our progress through the year as we once again try to play 100 games. Jared (knowingly) didn't rebalance the audio to sound good with the new microphones, so they sound really dry!  Do you think this will get fixed for the next episode?  Place your bets now!

Jondi’s 2018 10×10 Picks

2017 was the first time I ever did a 10x10 and I learned a few things...the main thing is that a 10x10 (for me) is kind of an exercise in futility. Seriously. To be fair, I didn't make wise choices for my 10 games in 2017. They were all great games, and had I gotten all 10 plays in for them...fun would have been had in all 100 plays. But therein lies the problem. I chose games that were very difficult to get 10 plays in 10 times.

Eat Chit & Dice – Episode 23 – 2 Player Games

From co-ops to 2 player card games, we're going top talk about some of our favorite games that work at 2 players.  A thing broke on Jared's mic so it sort of sounds like he's talking into the wrong side of it and Jondi is dying of something.  Also, if you know of a deck builder that requires more than 2 players, please let me know.